It was during our first vacation overseas and I couldn’t wait for it to begin. We were about to embark on a journey that would take us to Rome, Florence /Tuscany, on an overnight train, and finally to Paris where we would spend 4 days in the city and French countryside. What a tour!! What a vacation!! May not sound like much, but stay tuned as I tell the tales of all of the exciting places we visited, the glorious hotels we stayed, the adventure of the overnight train, the search for the Holy Grail?, the majestic castles of Kings, collections of some of the world's finest art, the towering Cathedrals with vaults that stretch to the heavens, the awe of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, the Roman Colosseum, Angels and Demons; and so much more. Hold on, I am getting way ahead of myself and need to reach back to where it all began. There are lots and lots of stories to share and you lucky visitors get to relive vicariously, the EuroTraveler’s journey…
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